Weather has been terrible lately not allowing a lot of time to ride a motorcycle with zero weather protection so the tried and true FJR has been pulling duty lately. Finally the weather is nice, I have time off and the Texas bluebonnets are in full bloom. Time to ride out and hit the bluebonnet loop near Ennis Texas. I need approximately 70 miles to hit the 600 mark in order to get the bike ready for it's 600 mile break in service so off I go.
Stopped to take pictures with the bluebonnets as that's the whole reason to take this trip. Blue bike with blue flowers, love it.
I rolled into the garage to see this. Nothing like some exact numbers to satisfy the old OCD. 600 mile maintenance will be done with exactly 600 miles on the clock.
Time to pull it apart and start doing the work of checks and maintenance. All the usual stuff but I pulled it apart to check the throttle position sensor. There's speculation that it being out of alignment is the cause of the snatchy throttle. Found mine as set by the factory to be in the low position. I adjusted it to the middle and a later test ride confirmed it to be much better.
All torn apart at the moment.
Got it all back together and been ripping around town. Nice to no longer have to worry about keeping the RPM's under an imaginary limit. The bike is fun and running well.