So, not entirely what I'd expected. I'd ordered four of the blue ones, but I was contacted and told they only had two in stock and they were discontinued and couldn't get any more. I opted to swap for the clear/black ones instead. There was a misunderstanding in that he thought I meant swap the two I couldn't get for the action model, when I'd meant to swap all four. But the more I thought about it the more I like this setup. They don't have to match front to back and those blue ones are sweet, and will be on display in the back while the odd location of the signals up front will allow them to kind of disappear. I also got one of the last non-adjustable Rizoma undertails, which is what I wanted as the adjustable one sticks out a lot further.
Boxed up so nice, they should be for the price!!! But they do come with all resistors and such.

What they don't come with are the adapter plates and connector cables which I'd forgotten to order. Didn't need the plates for the rear but the fronts will have to wait. Ordered wire connectors from Amazon for the fronts and then picked up a pair from my local motorcycle shop to do the rear ones. The rizoma undertail is a pain in the butt to install but is very nice when completed.
So, a little before and after shots...

So much better!

Some up close shots of the undertail and signals.

My son has been begging me for a ride on the new bike. We went for a putt putt ride around the neighbourhood. First and last pillion ride on this vehicle because the pegs came right off afterwards. He can ride on the FJR in the future which is a much more pillion friendly bike anyway. Pegs removed in above photo.

Being as the weather was 65F it was time to go for a ride. Stopped off in downtown Kaufman for another quick photo.

Did a little exploring checking out our local municipal airport and saw this, had to have a photo.

The over to Bucee's to grab some dinner. Bucee's is a place that is hard to describe to folks unaware. It's like the biggest convenience store you've ever been in. It's not a truck stop because no 18 wheelers allowed there. But it's huge and you can buy all sorts of stuff from candy, soda, coffee, Texas shaped cutting boards, RTIC coolers, hunting stuff, etc etc. But there's also the food. They have a huge jerkey bar, fresh fudge, tacos, burritos, and bbq. The food is pretty good so I sometimes will swing by and grab some stuff on the way home, so today it was a fajita burrito and a BBQ sausage sandwich. Yum. Here's Bucee and the GSX-S.

Got home and decided to line up the street bikes together and get a picture of them.

And that's it, good upgrades and a good day. Next up, getting the ECU flashed.